15 Oct, 2024

Shape Global Tourism Initiatives with Expertise in Cultural Preservation and Event Leadership

Tourism in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not only thriving but booming, driven by the...

11 Oct, 2024

عملية التقديم لبرامج الدراسات العليا: مقابلة كلية الدراسات العليا

تُعد مقابلة الانضمام لإحدى كليات الدراسات العليا خطوة رئيسية في عملية التقديم للالتحاق ببرامج...

11 Oct, 2024

اتباع المسار المهني في علم النفس الإرشادي

تتنامى أهمية علم النفس في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بالتزامن مع تزايد الطلب على خدمات الصحة...

23 Sep, 2024

ماجستير الدراسات القانونية والقضائية: دمج القانون العام والخاص لخوض مسارات مهنية متعددة

3 سبتمبر 2024 تمّ وضع وتصميم ماجستير الدراسات القانونية والقضائية من جامعة زايد بشكل فريد...

20 Sep, 2024

The Graduate School Practical Experience

A graduate school practical experience takes learning beyond textbooks and classrooms, immersing...

9 Sep, 2024

دور العلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الحكومية

1 نوفمبر 2023 يُشار إلى العلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الحكومية بمصطلح الاتصالات الحكومية، حيث تمثّل...

9 Sep, 2024

علم النفس الإرشادي: كيفية التعامل مع الصحة النفسية للبالغين في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

16 أغسطس 2023 شهدت دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة خلال السنوات الأخيرة وعياً متنامياً فيما يتعلق...

3 Sep, 2024

Master of Legal and Judicial Studies: The Integration of Public and Private Law for Versatile Careers

The Master of Legal and Judicial Studies at Zayed University is uniquely designed to address the...

26 Aug, 2024

A Graduate Student’s Thesis Experience in Communication

Zayed University’s Master of Arts in Communication with a study option in Strategic Public...

20 Aug, 2024

High Demand for Skilled Professionals in the Field of Cyber Security

Cyber security is a top field of study in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) due to the nation’s...

13 Aug, 2024

Entrepreneurship: Revolutionizing Communication with Zayed University’s Master of Arts in Communication with a Study Option in Strategic Public Relations

The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) vision, outlined in the UAE Centennial 2071 plan to become a...

12 Aug, 2024

Exploring Career Avenues with Zayed University’s Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs

The job demand for graduates in diplomacy and international affairs in the United Arab Emirates...

6 Aug, 2024

The Graduate School Experience: What Every New Student Should Know and Advice for Success

Transitioning to graduate school is a significant milestone that comes with its own set of...

15 Jul, 2024

Pursuing a Master’s Degree from a UAE Public Higher Education Institution

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few...

15 Jul, 2024

Research in Graduate Studies: Why Does It Matter?

Zayed University promotes graduate research as part of its strategic goals of fostering academic...

15 Jul, 2024

The Importance of Attending Graduate Student Orientation

Embarking on a master’s degree program is both exciting and challenging. One important step to...

27 May, 2024

Navigating End of Semester Stress: Strategies for Graduate Students

The end of a semester is often a high-pressure time for graduate students, who face several...

24 May, 2024

Bright Future for Master’s Degree Holders

The labour market outlook for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is very encouraging with a multitude...

2 May, 2024

Graduate School Networking: Strengthening Professional Connections

Pursuing a master’s degree at Zayed University opens a gateway to unparalleled benefits that...

30 Apr, 2024

Harnessing Digital Resources for Graduate Success: Zayed University’s Library and Learning Commons

Zayed University’s Library and Learning Commons plays a crucial role in supporting graduate...

25 Apr, 2024

Mastering the Art of Academic Writing

Academic writing serves as the foundation of all graduate coursework. However, the task of...

25 Apr, 2024

Zayed University's Master's Degree Programs and UAE Government Initiatives

The Role of Zayed University in Shaping Future Leaders Universities across the United Arab...

14 Mar, 2024

The Future of Privacy in an AI-Dominated World: Threats, Opportunities, and Innovations

AI's Integration into the Digital World According to International Data Corporation's research,...

12 Mar, 2024

Advantages and Disadvantages of Classroom, Online and Hybrid Learning

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, graduate students have several options when...

8 Feb, 2024

Master of Science in Counselling Psychology - Zayed University - Ten Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the major differences between counselling psychology and clinical psychology?“This is...

20 Dec, 2023

Environmental Science vs Environmental Engineering: What is the Difference?

In a world that knows environmental sustainability is essential, distinguishing between...

8 Dec, 2023

Mastering Communication in a Digital Age: Unveiling Zayed University’s Master of Arts in Communication with a Study Option in Strategic Public Relations

In the rapidly evolving landscape of communication and media in the United Arab Emirates (UAE),...

8 Dec, 2023

Navigating the Complexities of Global Diplomacy: Insights into Zayed University's Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs

In an era where global interconnectivity and diplomatic relations shape the course of nations,...

1 Nov, 2023

The Role of Government Public Relations

Effective government public relations, also often referred to as government communications, serve...

19 Sep, 2023

شارك في تحقيق العدالة وفق أحدث التطورات في الدراسات القانونية والقضائية

ممّا لا شكّ فيه أنّ الثروة البشرية المتعلّمة هي إحدى الركائز الأساسية للارتقاء بالأوطان والتميّز...

6 Sep, 2023

Top Four Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Master's Degree

Revised on 5 Sep 2023 The coronavirus pandemic has pushed many of us to rethink our daily lives,...

25 Aug, 2023

Embark on the Journey of Environment and Sustainability Sciences: 6 Advantages of Pursuing a Master’s Degree in This Field

Zayed University, a beacon of academic excellence in the Middle East, has consistently...

25 Aug, 2023

ماجستير الدراسات القانونية والقضائية. خمسة أسئلة لـ

21 Aug, 2023

صياغة سيرة ذاتية مميزة لمسار مهني ناجح

يواجه الخريجون الجدد تحديات في صياغة سيرة ذاتية مميزة تمكّنهم من الحصول على فرص مهنية واعدة. في...

17 Aug, 2023

The Role of Faculty Advising for Graduate Student Success

In the realm of higher education, graduate school serves as a vital foundation, propelling students...

16 Aug, 2023

The Power of Counselling Psychology: Navigating Adult Mental Health in the United Arab Emirates

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has witnessed a growing awareness of the...

10 Aug, 2023

اكتسب المهارات الأساسية لمسار مهني ناجح في مجال ذكاء الأعمال وتحليل البيانات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

يشهد مجال ذكاء الأعمال وتحليل البيانات طلباً متزايداً على المتخصصين ذوي المعارف والخبرات...

10 Aug, 2023

انطلق نحو مسيرة مهنية ناجحة في مجال الأمن السيبراني

يعتبر وقتنا الحالي من أفضل الأوقات للالتحاق بدراسة مجال الأمن السيبراني في دولة الإمارات العربية...

1 Aug, 2023

Crafting an Impressive LinkedIn Profile: Your Key to Professional Success

In today's digitally connected world, LinkedIn has emerged as the go-to platform for...

1 Aug, 2023

Environmental Science Careers: Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future in 2024 and Beyond

As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, the importance of environmental...

13 Jun, 2023

The Graduate Program Application Process: The Graduate School Interview

The graduate school interview is a critical component of the application process for graduate...

12 Jun, 2023

Build Your Capabilities to Successfully Transform Organizations Digitally

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands at the...

1 Jun, 2023

Start a Successful Career Path in Cyber Security

There has never been a better time for students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to study and...

1 Jun, 2023

An Academic Imperative: Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-Being During Graduate Studies

Graduate school is challenging and demanding on a personal and academic level. During this...

10 May, 2023

Pursuing a Career in Counselling Psychology

Psychology has become an increasingly important field in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with a...

26 Apr, 2023

Elevating Academic Performance: The Power of Academic Goal Setting for Graduate Students

The capacity to define precise, attainable academic goals is crucial for academic success. By...

6 Apr, 2023

Ways to Enhance Your Career Prospects While Studying for a Master's Degree

Pursuing a master's degree is a valuable investment in one's future career prospects. This is...

29 Mar, 2023

Acquire the Skills for a Successful Career in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics in the United Arab Emirates

There is an overwhelming demand for professionals with the knowledge, skills and experience in...

29 Mar, 2023

Jump-Start Your Career with Zayed University’s Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability Sciences

27 Mar, 2023

Writing a Graduate Resume for Career Success

As a recent graduate, the process of developing a well-crafted resume and then applying to...

1 Feb, 2023

متطلبات اختبار الكفاءة في اللغة الإنجليزية للالتحاق ببرامج الدراسات العليا في جامعة زايد

تحرص المؤسسات التعليمية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة على الالتزام باللوائح والتشريعات...

23 Jan, 2023

Mastering Soft Skills Competencies for Graduate Programs

A master’s degree represents a significant level of education and acquired knowledge and is often...

18 Jan, 2023

الفرق بين التعليم في مرحلتيْ البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا

فيما يلي أربعة اختلافات بين برامج البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا:

18 Jan, 2023

لماذا يتجه المسار المهني خلال العام 2023 نحو العلاقات العامة؟

أهمية العلاقات العامة في عالمنا اليوم تمثّل شبكات التواصل في عالمنا اليوم مرتكزاً جوهرياً في...

18 Jan, 2023

خمس (5) مهارات رئيسة في مجال التمويل في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

هل أنتم تستعدون لـ:• بدء مسيرتكم المهنية في مجال التمويل،• الانتقال للعمل في مجال التمويل، أو•...

18 Jan, 2023

لماذا يتصدر الأمن السيبراني التخصصات الأكثر طلباً للدراسة خلال العام 2022-2023؟

تزايدت الحاجة إلى ممارسات الأمن السيبراني بالتزامن مع حرص الشركات والمؤسسات في عصرنا على توسيع...

18 Jan, 2023

سنة الاستراحة بعد التخرج: الإيجابيات، السلبيات وكيفية اتخاذ القرار الصائب بشأنها

هل تفكرون بقضاء سنة استراحة، لكنكم تتساءلون عما إذا كان قراركم صائباً أم لا؟عادةً ما يلجأ الطلبة...

30 Dec, 2022

English Proficiency Test Requirements for Admission to Zayed University’s Graduate Programs

Educational institutions within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) must comply with statutory...

26 Dec, 2022

Key Roles and Responsibilities of Cyber Security Professionals

The cyber security landscape in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) experienced a knock-on effect due...

14 Sep, 2022

Key Benefits of Having a Master’s Degree

Revised on 18 October 2023 In today's fast-paced and competitive world, standing out in the job...

8 Sep, 2022

Master of Legal and Judicial Studies: Scope and Opportunities in the United Arab Emirates

Revised on 30 August 2023 Increasing socio-economic and cultural complexities require skilled...

22 Aug, 2022

5 Top Skills for Finance Professionals in the United Arab Emirates

Revised on 25 August 2023 Are you preparing for:• A career in finance; • Transitioning into a...

18 Jul, 2022

Gap Year After College: Pros, Cons and How to Take Right Decision

Are you considering taking a gap year before graduate school but wondering whether it is the...

6 Jun, 2022

The Value of a Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs

by Nisthula Nagarajan From conflict to poverty, deforestation to pandemics, we live in a demanding...

6 Jun, 2022

Top Careers to Pursue with a Master of Science in Finance

Revised on 25 August 2023 Finance is a varied and rapidly evolving industry. As finance forms the...

4 Apr, 2022

The Difference Between Undergraduate and Graduate Education

Updated on 21 September 2023 When it comes to higher education, many students often find themselves...

10 Mar, 2022

Digital Transformation and Information Systems: Careers and Earning Potential

Revised on 5 September 2023 The digital world continues to change at an accelerating pace, and it...

3 Mar, 2022

Why Pursue a Career in Public Relations

Revised on 25 August 2023

3 Mar, 2022

The Future for Public Relations and Tourism Professionals is Promising

Revised on 30 August 2023 With a contribution from Nisthula Nagarajan As we fast approach a new...

1 Feb, 2022

How to Make the Most of Zayed University’s Graduate Studies Virtual Open Day

Revised on 11 March 2024 Are you ready to take the next step in your career development? Choosing...

4 Jan, 2022

Financing Your Graduate Studies - What You Should Know

Revised on 13 June 2023. While many people envision pursuing a higher education degree, the...

18 Nov, 2021

Four Tips for Achieving a Work/Life Balance in Graduate School

Numerous industries require their employees to have a higher education degree. As a graduate degree...

24 Oct, 2021

Five Tips for Writing a Good Master’s Thesis

Revised on 5 Sep 2023 In research-based master’s degree programs, graduate students must conduct...

18 Oct, 2021

Research-Based Learning: An Empirical Approach to Modern Challenges

Revised on 5 Sep 2023 In the highly dynamic world of ours, the role of education has broadened...

17 Oct, 2021

Ways to Break Through the Career Plateau

Revised on 5 September 2023 While the beginning of the decade was unprecedented, leading to job...

3 Oct, 2021

Zayed University Student Blog

Meet Gina Bou Serhal, a 2021 Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs Graduate with High...

26 Sep, 2021

How to Succeed in Graduate School

Zayed University admitted 75 graduate students for the Fall 2021 semester. These students will...

24 Aug, 2021

Top Skills That Will Dictate the Future of Work in UAE

The past few years have made it evident that the future work will be different from what was...

24 Aug, 2021

The Role and Importance of Zayed University Graduate Alumni

June 2021. This is the end of the academic year and more than 100 students graduated with their...

24 Aug, 2021

Four Tips to Successfully Apply for a Scholarship to Further Your Graduate Studies

A graduate degree is an important investment in one’s career and future. As one will need to plan...

23 Aug, 2021

شارك في تحقيق العدالة وفق أحدث التطورات في الدراسات القانونية والقضائية

ممّا لا شكّ فيه أنّ الثروة البشرية المتعلّمة هي إحدى الركائز الأساسية للارتقاء بالأوطان والتميّز...

23 Aug, 2021

Important Factors on How to Choose a University for Graduate Studies in the UAE

Choosing to study a highly regarded educational qualification is one of the most important...


Personalized Guidance for Your Academic and Professional Journey

Are you considering advancing your education with a master’s degree? At Zayed University, we offer a range of master’s degree programs designed to help you excel in your chosen field. Contact our knowledgeable graduate student recruitment and admissions team today at +971-2-599-3605 / dgs.recruitment@zu.ac.ae. Whether you want to explore how our programs can enhance your career opportunities and earning potential, learn about how our research projects can contribute to your professional expertise, discover networking opportunities with faculty and alumni who can mentor you, or get information on scholarships and research grants to support your education, they will help you find the right master’s degree program that aligns with your career goals, and interests.

Apply Now