Bright Future for Master’s Degree Holders

24 May, 2024


The labour market outlook for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is very encouraging with a multitude of compelling indicators showcasing a robust employment landscape. According to findings from a recent survey by, 67% of UAE employers are planning to hire new employees. An article posted on LinkedIn by IG Recruit refers to head offices in Dubai experiencing 20% increase in job opportunities within specific sectors, and salary increases for skilled professionals are being observed. This growth is happening in a wide variety of industries as UAE’s non-oil sector is predicted to see major expansion in 2023. For instance, there is an anticipated 20% spike in the travel and tourism sector. Job roles such as analysts, cybersecurity experts, web developers and designers, psychologists, and researchers are also expected to be in high demand in this decade (CFA Institute).


The UAE's dynamic approach to economic diversification has been a key driver in creating a fertile environment for job creation. This approach not only opens new avenues in traditional sectors but also paves the way for emerging industries. The government's proactive policies in fostering a knowledge-based economy have led to a surge in demand for highly educated professionals, particularly those with specialized master's degrees.

The growth is particularly pronounced in the technology sector, propelled by strategic projects and initiatives. The technology sector, in particular, has been active in terms of hiring, with research showing 77% of organizations are expanding their workforce. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital transformation are some areas that have seen a high demand for skilled professionals. The banking and financial services sector has also seen significant growth in job openings compared to the previous year, observing a respectable 10% rise in job opportunities (Adecco Middle East, Plum Jobs, Innovations Group, KT Research).

The UAE's vision to establish itself as a leading global hub for technology and innovation is not just limited to the private sector. Government initiatives, such as Smart Dubai 2021, aim to transform Dubai into the smartest and most efficient city in the world. This ambitious project requires a workforce skilled in areas like data analytics, cybersecurity, and urban planning – fields where a master's degree can provide a significant edge.

Recruitment experts highlight specific skills and qualities that are in demand among candidates. Digital literacy, adaptability to emerging technologies, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities are highly valued. Candidates who can think creatively and propose innovative solutions are sought after, given the rapid pace of technological change. Emotional intelligence is another important quality sought after. Soft skills such as teamwork and communication play a significant role, as candidates are expected to align well with teams and contribute to the growth of individuals and businesses.

Master’s degree holders are poised to assume a pivotal role in filling these promising positions. In fact, employment in master’s-level occupations is projected to grow by almost 17% until 2026, the fastest of any education level (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). The consensus among post-graduate degree recipients is unequivocal with the majority attesting to the transformative impact of their advanced education on career prospects, earning potential, and the positive influence of upskilling on job opportunities (CFA Institute).

Graduate Programs – Zayed University


AI encourage you to explore Zayed University’s master’s degree programs which prepare you for the jobs of the future.

Zayed University’s graduate programs are designed to align with both the current and future needs of the UAE’s job market. The programs offer a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring that graduates are academically proficient and industry ready. With a focus on innovation and research, graduate students are equipped to contribute significantly to their chosen fields and the broader economic goals of the UAE.

The institution’s commitment to providing a holistic educational experience means that graduate students are experts in their specific fields of study. For example, the Master of Science in Counselling Psychology equips students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise to become experts in adult mental health and graduates of the Master of Science in Information Technology are well prepared to pursue careers as skilled cybersecurity professionals. Moreover, graduate programs adapt to emerging industries, and incorporate interdisciplinary approaches that reflect the demands of the future workforce. The university's strong network of alumni and connections with key industries across the UAE also provides an invaluable resource for students and graduates alike.

For more insights on how Zayed University’s graduate programs align with industry trends, technological advancements, and the changing demands of the job market, please contact the Deanship of Graduate Studies at +971-2-599-3605 / for more information.


Gaelle Picherit-Duthler, PhD, Associate Professor and Dean, Graduate Studies, Zayed University Abu Dhabi and Dubai




Personalized Guidance for Your Academic and Professional Journey

Are you considering advancing your education with a master’s degree? At Zayed University, we offer a range of master’s degree programs designed to help you excel in your chosen field. Contact our knowledgeable graduate student recruitment and admissions team today at +971-2-599-3605 / Whether you want to explore how our programs can enhance your career opportunities and earning potential, learn about how our research projects can contribute to your professional expertise, discover networking opportunities with faculty and alumni who can mentor you, or get information on scholarships and research grants to support your education, they will help you find the right master’s degree program that aligns with your career goals, and interests.

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