Zayed University Graduate Blog

Graduate Student’s Thesis Experience in Communication

Written by Zayed University | Aug 26, 2024 1:54:08 PM


Zayed University’s Master of Arts in Communication with a study option in Strategic Public Relations emphasizes the development of strategic communications plans, crisis management, and media relations, preparing students to effectively handle complex public relations challenges. In this master’s degree program, research is vital for understanding and navigating the complexities of public perception and media landscapes. It equips students with the ability to analyze public opinion, measure the effectiveness of communication campaigns, and craft messages that resonate with diverse audiences. 

Let us explore the transformative research journey of one of our alumni, Muna AlSuwaidi. This blog highlights her master’s thesis journey, displaying the unique offerings of the graduate program, the supportive academic environment at Zayed University through her experiences, and her notable achievements.

Choosing Zayed University for Graduate Studies

Muna AlSuwaidi started her career in translation before moving into corporate communications. She decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Communication with a study option in Strategic Public Relations at Zayed University to enhance her expertise in the field. Choosing Zayed University was influenced by two key factors: its commitment to academic excellence and industry relevance which provides graduate students with practical insights and connections that link academic learning to real-world applications. 

Research Opportunities

Muna’s master’s thesis focused on emotional framing in social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her research explored how the portrayal of the pandemic on social media influenced public emotions and behaviours in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Muna's research provided significant insights into how content framing affects audience emotions in the UAE. Posts containing statistics and negative news caused anxiety and fear, while reassuring messages from leadership received positive responses. The study emphasized the power of strategic communication in shaping public sentiment, highlighting the critical role of message framing in public relations.


     - Research Challenges and Campus Resources

The journey of conducting thesis research, especially during the pandemic, presented unique challenges as graduate students like Muna had to adapt to a virtual leaning environment. The transition to online classes and resources required significant adjustments in their research methods and data collection processes. They had to navigate limited access to physical libraries and face-to-face interactions, which added complexities to her research efforts. Despite these hurdles, the swift shift to virtual offerings by Zayed University allowed for innovative solutions, such as digital research tools provided by the university’s Library and Learning Commons and remote consultations with faculty, ultimately demonstrating resilience and adaptability in her academic pursuits. 

During the pandemic, graduate faculty provided Muna with guidance and assistance in navigating the challenges of remote research and adapting to virtual tools. This support was instrumental in ensuring that she could successfully complete her thesis and contribute to academic discourse despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic. She co-authored a paper on “Interactive Frames: User Responses to the Framing of COVID-19 in the Instagram Account of an Emarati News Agency” with Dr Azmat Rasul, Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at the College of Communication and Media Sciences, Zayed University in Media Asia. This not only helped her sharing her research with the broader academic community but also enhanced her professional development and visibility in her field. She has also presented her work at the annual International Conference for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in 2022. 

     - Acquiring Essential Skills

Completing a master’s thesis in Arts and Communication with a focus on Strategic Public Relations equips students with several key skills, valuable not only for academic success but also in professional careers: 

Research Proficiency: Graduate students learn to conduct in-depth research, including literature reviews, data collection, and analysis, which are crucial for developing evidence-based PR strategies. 

Critical Thinking: Graduate students enhance their ability to critically evaluate information, discern trends, and anticipate the implications of various communication strategies. 

Strategic Planning: The thesis process may teach graduate students how to design and implement comprehensive PR campaigns, considering factors such as audience segmenting and message framing. 

Problem-Solving: Graduate students develop the capacity to address real-world challenges, such as managing crises or navigating public sentiment, through analytical and creative solutions. 

Communication Skills: Writing and presenting the thesis hones their skills in articulating complex ideas clearly and persuasively, both in written and oral forms. The ability to conduct in-depth research and effectively present is crucial for leadership roles in communication and public relations.

Ethical Awareness: The research often involves ethical considerations, encouraging graduate students to reflect on the impact of PR practices and the importance of ethical communication.

Project Management: Completing a master’s thesis requires effective time management, organization, and perseverance, all of which are valuable in managing PR projects and campaigns. 

Adaptability and Innovation: The process encourages adaptability, particularly in response to unforeseen challenges, and fosters innovative thinking in developing innovative approaches to communication problems. 

Advice for Students Embarking on a Master’s Thesis Journey

If you are about to embark on your master’s thesis journey at Zayed University, selecting a topic you are enthusiastic about is paramount. An engaging topic that resonates with your interests and has practical implications in your field, will keep you motivated and engaged throughout the research process. Thoroughly plan the research methodology and be meticulous in collecting and analyzing data. Stay organized and manage your time effectively, setting clear milestones to keep the project on track. Seek regular feedback from faculty and peers, as their insights can enhance the quality of your work. Additionally, consider the ethical implications of your research and strive for transparency and integrity in your findings. Also, share your research outcomes through publication or presentations, as this will contribute to the academic community and bolster your professional credentials. 



Muna Al Suwaidi’s research journey as a graduate student at Zayed University was transformative. Her thesis work enabled her to explore the complexities of communication, exploring innovative topics that broadened her knowledge and skills. Access to the university’s advanced research tools played a significant role in shaping her academic journey. She also benefitted from the supportive environment at Zayed University, where dedicated faculty provided guidance and encouragement. This nurturing setting not only helped her overcome challenges but also inspired her to push boundaries of her research, culminating in a rewarding and impactful thesis project that was published . As she reflects on her learning experience, she recognizes that her graduate education at Zayed University has been the foundation of her professional success.

For more information on Zayed University’s Master of Arts in Communication with a study option in Strategic Public Relations, please contact the College of Communication and Media Sciences at +971-2-599-3605 /