Why Is Cyber Security a Top Field of Study in 2022-23?

11 Nov, 2021

As businesses today are vehement to scale themselves digitally to better connect with their consumers or collaborate with other businesses, the need for cyber security has also sharply increased. Year 2020 reported a 250% increase in the number of cyber-attacks in the UAE. This is the repercussions of the global pandemic that made companies dependent on cloud and remote operations to support their business together with the increase in hacked or breached data activities. With an increase in the dependency on technology there is also an increase in security threats in both number and sophistication.  These all require much more robust defenses. With this, building tactile intelligence has become a top priority for many companies and has resulted in paying large amounts to professionals who will help them protect their businesses by proactively handling unwarranted intrusions. This has all positioned cyber security as a top career choice for many up and becoming professionals. Even with this, there are other reasons that strongly support career choice in cyber security in the years ahead.

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1. Exponential Career Growth 

The opportunities in cyber security exist through all organizational levels. Given this, a cyber security professional has an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the future security of the organization and this readily classifies the employee as in the highly valued category.  With this future income increments are assured as is the status of the employee in question.

When it comes to understanding the work of a cyber security professional, it is mainly associated with learning about how technologies and organizations operate. The primary focus is to keep a check on the systems employed by an organization and to report security threats in a timely manner to management. These professionals also work as advisors, helping management mitigate any threats that are foreseeable. 

To give you a wider picture of the varied scale of responsibilities taken by a cyber security professional, here are some top hiring positions across regions for those seeking to pursue this specialized field of study: 

 Image Source: Cyberseek

2. Involvement in Cutting-Edge Projects 

As cyber security professionals get hands-on experience at working directly with teams on modern technologies and systems (e.g. artificial intelligence, data compliance, hackathons and websites that host millions of users on a daily basis), one cannot put a number on the projects that a person can be associated with. Once one masters the basics in information and cyber security, the sky is considered the limit for the scope of potential work involvement.  To significantly hasten the acquisition of the required knowledge, enrolment in a master’s degree such as Zayed University’s Master of Science in Information Technology (Cyber Security) offered by the College of Technological Innovation should be seriously considered The program has been thoughtfully designed to equip information technology and cyber security professionals with the relevant expertise from both the theoretical and the tactical perspectives. It seeks to develop the expertise and skills to become proficient in the areas of network/internet security, database security, digital forensics, ethical hacking, information security management and cyber-criminal behavior. 

3. Great Salary Prospects

Although the demand in cyber security is booming, demand continues to outstrip the supply of professionals. This is the reason why such professionals, who have the relevant skills, are in-demand and highly paid. According to CIO, information technology and cyber security professionals earn an average of $116,000 annually or $55.77 per hour. In the US alone, there are 350,000 current openings and a zero percent unemployment rate. However, to be considered for such roles, it is imperative that the applicant has a degree in information technology and cyber security even for an entry-level job in the field.

4. Significant Opportunities to Make a Real Organizational Impact

The consequences of data breaches and security threats to an enterprise are huge and working towards mitigating it creates real impact. It is worth noting that information technology and cyber security professionals report some of the highest levels of job satisfaction as compared to others in any IT roles. Information technology and cyber security professionals work daily to keep enterprises critical infrastructure secure which includes making constant breakthroughs while facing and mitigating new challenges. Working towards best diverting the information security threats with lateral thinking and proactive involvement helps make a great difference to any organization’s overall operability and performance.

In conclusion, as mentioned above, information technology and cyber security roles are rapidly growing in importance and attainability. In 2021 or beyond, if one holds a degree in information technology and cyber security, the career options ahead are extensive and defined. A master’s degree in this field will accelerate these opportunities.

Zayed University’s Master of Science in Information Technology (Cyber Security) is a preferred choice of program amongst recent graduates or mid-career professionals who are keen to establish leading careers in information technology.  It is also a master’s degree of choice by those who want to equip themselves with the critical capabilities necessary to make a major contribution in this significant part of global business.

For more information on the Master of Science in Information Technology (Cyber Security), please contact the Deanship of Graduate Studies at +971-2-599-3605 / dgs.recruitment@zu.ac.ae.

Personalized Guidance for Your Academic and Professional Journey

Are you considering advancing your education with a master’s degree? At Zayed University, we offer a range of master’s degree programs designed to help you excel in your chosen field. Contact our knowledgeable graduate student recruitment and admissions team today at +971-2-599-3605 / dgs.recruitment@zu.ac.ae. Whether you want to explore how our programs can enhance your career opportunities and earning potential, learn about how our research projects can contribute to your professional expertise, discover networking opportunities with faculty and alumni who can mentor you, or get information on scholarships and research grants to support your education, they will help you find the right master’s degree program that aligns with your career goals, and interests.

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